D098: [羅馬尼亞] Sapanta 的開心墓園


Merry Cemetery . Sapanta . Maramures . Romania

這些一塊塊鮮藍色裝飾得美侖美奐、顏色鮮豔奪目的木牌就是 Sapanta 這條村村民才有資格獨有的墓碑。外形獨特之餘,原來刻在墓碑上的字句才是令這地方變得更有趣,更值得讓人探訪之處。

這些木碑源自 1935 年木刻匠 Stan Ioan Pătraş,為他的一個朋友設計了一個別具一格的木碑後,村民都很喜歡這個設計,便陸陸續續找他來為自己設計同樣風格的木碑。久而久之墓園以有 800 多個藍色木碑,還會不斷增加。


我和日本針灸師(很有緣地,我們在之前的城市分別,她走了 Moldova 一趟再回來,只在這裡逗留 20 分鐘也剛好給我遇上,真的超有綠份)都一致覺得,如果可以有這種墓碑,真的太幸福了。



Old Lady . Merry Cemetery . Sapanta . Maramures . Romania

Here I am resting and my name is Ileana Oncului.
I raised seven children and God bless they are all good.
I still see myself making good food in order for them to grow big.
I lived and I was not the case as a widow who adhere to bad and upset who died in Birland. 
All these are left to 76 of 1971


Headless . Merry Cemetery . Sapanta . Maramures . Romania

Oh my bad I rested and John is my name.
In my garden of sheep I was attacked at the back by an Hungarian \
my head was cut off from the body and buried nearby
They should be cursed. Blaster.
I lived 58 years.


Little Girl . Merry Cemetery . Sapanta . Maramures . Romania

Here I rest and my name is Ileana
I had a short life as it was a fate for me to die 
trampled by a roadside wheel motor engine
Oh my poor mother leaving her and upset her a lot
I managed to hide in the mist and be with the angels
so she would not miss me.


I was the only child when I left but after a year my brother Myo comes.
My parents will have a lot of joy with him and will stop missing me.
I will weep on the small plant of my brother and let it grow.
I left my life in only 10 years.


Young Victim of Ligthning . Merry Cemetery . Sapanta . Maramures . Romania

Here is the sleeping lion and my name is poor George.
My life was like an ice-melted chocolate
when the lightning hit me who was digging in the field.
Poor father and mother will be upset and
they will remember my young life forever of the hobnail of me.
19 dead in 1954.


Mother-in-Law . Merry Cemetery . Sapanta . Romania

Under this heavy cross lies my little mother-in-law. 
In three days, she should be the one who pass here and reading this instead of me. 
I found her not trying to wake up when I come home again and
no longer I can hear the strong ballots from her mouth about how bad I am.
Well lived for 82 years of 1969.

始作俑者 Stan Ioan Patras

The Creator . Merry Cemetery . Sapanta . Maramures . Romania

Since I was a little boy
I was known as Stan Ioan Pătraş
Listen to me, fellows
There are no lies in what I am going to say
All along my life
I meant no harm to anyone
But did good as much as I could
To anyone who asked
Oh, my poor World
Because It was hard living in it




Cross of the Cemetery . Merry Cemetery . Sapanta . Maramures . Romania

最底是個魔鬼:I am being forgotten and I am stronger than Christian that I am ugly death of all and bring them all under bush


Day 098

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